Deja Vu at Adoniram RAM No 552
It was a touch of Deja Vu for Adoniram RAM No 552 on Thursday 4th May with a second Installation meeting. The first Installation meeting had gone flat when the Worshipful Commander elect, WBro Andy Whittle, had a double blowout on his way to the meeting and could not attend. This meant that the Lodge had to arrange an extra meeting in order to hold the Installation. All was well this time with Andy being there nice and early.
Also attending the meeting was the PGM RWBro Keith Beardmore and he was accompanied by the two new Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, VWBro Geoff Bury and WBro David Winder. The Worshipful Commander, WBro Giles Berkley, Deputy Provincial Grand Master opened the Lodge and then there was an In Memoriam for VWBro David Anderton who passed to higher service on 26th April. David had been the Lodge Chaplain for the past few years and was well known in the Mark and Royal Ark Mariner degrees, as well other orders.
After WBro Giles Berkley had asked WBro Ian Clark to occupy the SW chair; WBro John Ryan the JW chair and WBro Derek Gaskell to remain as Guardian, it was time for the DC WBro Arthur Robinson to present the Commander elect WBro Andy Whittle for benefit of Installation. After the brethren had retired, WBro Giles Berkley carried out the Inner Workings with his usual assured aplomb, and the whole ceremony was a pleasure from beginning to the end. When the brethren had been readmitted WBro Andy Whittle was proclaimed Worshipful Commander of Adoniram Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners.
WBro Andy Whittle then appointed his officers for the new season. The Address to Worshipful Commander was given by VWBro Geoff Bury in fine style. Then it was all over.
With the Lodge closed it was time for dinner, and as Andy had missed out on his meal selection last time round it was the same again. The meal was equally as good the second time around. In response to the toast to his health the PGM congratulated Andy on going in the chair. RWBro Keith also thanked VWBro Geoffrey Lee his service both in the roles of Provincial Secretary and for being his Deputy over the last few years.
In September VWBro Geoffrey Lee will be promoted to Past Grand Junior Warden and become a Right Worshipful Brother. RWBro Keith also remarked how nice it was to see all those attending the meeting were wearing the new green Provincial Royal Ark Mariners tie. The Immediate Commanders toast to the new Commander was given in true Giles Berkley fashion. Highly amusing and covered as many puns concerning flat tyres and tyres manufactures that Giles could get in. We wish the members of Adoniram RAM No 552 and the Commander, WBro Andy Whittle an enjoyable summer and a successful 2023/ 2024 season. This year’s Royal Ark Mariners Assembly will be held at The Savoy Hotel, Blackpool on 19th September.
Words and pictures by Derek Gaskell.